compiled by Stella Dalsto
2010 Sept. 1 "To Hell With The Bells"
Whiskey Creek Pub
Sylvia Ciona & Sandra Craven
Laurel Schlaht
(Pioneer Village report)
President Clarence Goldade &
Sylvia Ciona giving the Treasurer's report.
Marg Derbyshire (Paradise Valley Golf Tournament sign up sheet)
Grace Christie
(Chalk Dust Memory)

Delle Lovig (Social Committee) added items to the milk can "Time Capsule" It contains a newspaper, flyers, a telephone book, CDs, a flag of the world, a revised Science Curriculum, ARTA & MHADRTA minutes and more.
Replacing the lid and the milk can was returned to the School house.
Other committee reports:
Membership: Sandra Craven
Health & Wellness: Judy Wonnenberg
Governance: Donna Mae Goldade
Website: Stella Dalsto
Scrapebook: Diane Klinck
Crowd pictures

Rt. to Lt: Laurel Schlaht, Carol Hern, Donna Schneider & Sandra Wilson
Fred Long, Beth Davies, Tom & Vicki McCaig,
Jim Brown, Frances Paulson
50/50 winner Peggy Kelly with Henk Hof
& Claire & Jim Sergeant
Greeters: Delle Lovig & Annita Pinder
Decorations: Delle Lovig, Annita Pinder, Sylvia Ciona Door Prizes: Delle
50/50: see picture
Blessing: Annita Pinder
2010 Nov. 3
Whiskey Creek Pub
Delle Lovig: Social Committee. Members are asked to bring an unwrapped gift for a child at the Phoenix Safe House
President: Clarence Goldade
ARTA Local # 2:
Delores Carriere
Other committee reports:
Membership: Clarence ...115 members
Health & Wellness: Judy Wonnenberg
Governance: Donna Mae Goldade
Pension: Clarence
Pioneer Village: Laurel Schlaht
Scrapebook: Diane Klinck
Convention: Delores Carriere
Alan Jensen:
Chalk Dust Memory
Crowd Photos
Greeters: Vera & Larry Henderson, Melvin Bender, Ethel Oreto
Decorations: Rita Hof Door Prizes: Delle Lovig
50/50: Henk Hof won by Madeline Fischer
Blessing: Madeline Fischer

2011 April 20
Whiskey Creek Pub
Check In: Sylvia Ciona
Greeter: Grace Alcock

Membership: Sandra Craven ...121 members
ATA Local # 1: Vicki McCaig
ATA Local # 2 & Convention: Delores Carriere
Health & Wellness: Judy Wonnenberg
Pioneer Village: Laurel Schlaht

Guest Speaker:
Erica Graham
from Sears Travel
Chalk Dust Memory: Elaine Dufresne

50/50 winner: Grace Christie seller: Jim Kaupp
Greeter: Grace Christie
Door Prizes: Annita Pinder
50/50: see above
Blessing: Elaine Nelson
2011 June 15
Whiskey Creek Pub
Catheryne Cooney:
Cards & Memorials
with Clarence Goldade
District Rep: Jim Black
Health & Wellness:
Judy Wonnenberg
Donna Mae Goldade
& Henk Hof
Other reports
Treasurer: Sylvia Ciona Membership: Sandra Craven...120 members
ARTA Local # 1: Delle Lovig ARTA Local # 2 & Convention: Delores Carriere
Governance: Donna Mae Goldade Website: Stella Dalsto
Pioneer Village: Laurel Schlaht Scrapebook: Diane Klinck
President Clarence introduced Counselor Wayne Craven as the guest speaker who began by acknowledging Eleanor Townsend as his Grade One teacher.
Wayne’s presentation focused on municipal government structure and how it affects daily living. Council can only act on those topics that have been presented to it and decisions must be made in public as a group, not individually.
Clarence, Ray
Annita, Sylvia, Delle
Next year Executive:
President: Annita Pinder,
1st Vice: Ray Morrison,
2nd Vice: Delle Lovig,
Past President: Clarence Goldade, Secretary: Paul Nederveen,
Treasurer: Sylvia Ciona,
Membership: Jim Kaupp.
Crowd photo
Greeters: Melvin Bender, Sharon Clay, Peggy Kelly, Evelyn Kleis
Door Prizes: Rita Hof & Anita Pinder
50/50: Henk Hof won by Donna Mae Goldade
Blessing: Ray Morrison