compiled by Stella Dalsto
Meeting photos Sept. 2011-June 2012
2011 September 7
Southside Event Centre

Annita Pinder

Jim Kaupp checking Member info

Newly retired :
Judy Stock & Doreen Judge

Catheryne Cooney
honourary membership in MHADRTA

Elaine Cuts (Phoning Committee) & Rita Hof

Membership: Jim Kaupp
Pioneer Village: Laurel Schlaht
Cards & Memorials: Cathryne Cooney
Health & Wellness: Judy Wonnenberg
Golf Tournament: Henk Hof
Henk Hof & Judy Wonnenberg
Minutes did not include the helpers

2011 October 19
Southside Event Centre
New Retiree: Marilyn Skoda
Guest from Saskatoon
Cheryl Waite

Presentation from Big Brothers and Big Sisters was given by Hugh English.
Hugh mentioned the in-school mentoring program.
This has been a very effective program. Young people do benefit from the Big Brothers/Big Sisters mentoring program. It has been proven to help their self-esteem, nutrition, and social aptitude.
Mentoring requires a commitment of one hour per week.
Chris Kohlman, DR
He said there will be dramatic changes in Education with the new Premier and new Minister of Education. Education is being reviewed. He also mentioned that teachers are required to attend convention and that teachers cannot receive payment for presentations.
Membership: Jim Kaupp
Local # 1: Delle Lovig
Cards & Memorials: Cathryne Cooney
Phoning: Elaine Cuts
Health & Wellness: Judy Wonnenberg
Golf Tournament: Henk Hof
Henk Hof with the 50/50 winner
Sheila Donner

Door prize winners:
Delores Carriere, Marg Mazerolle, Eleanor Townsend, Hugh English, & Fred Long
Blessing: Ray Morrison & Grace Alcock
2012 Feb. 29
Southside Event Centre
Membership: Jim Kaupp 94 members ATA Local # 1: Delle Lovig
ATA Local # 2 & Convention: Delores Carriere Pioneer Village: Laurel Schlaht
ATA Local # 39 & Pension: Dianne Durda Cards & Memorials: Cathryne Cooney
Health & Wellness: Judy Wonnenberg Scrapbook: Diane Klinck
Two group photos
Greeters: Ray Morrison & Cathryn Cooney
Door Prizes: Rita Hog
50/50: Henk Hof won by Julie Bruins Jacober
Blessing: Judy Wonnenberg
2012 April 18
Southside Event Centre

Sharon Clay & Eleanor Townsend
Marg Derbyshire

Checking in: Slyvia Ciona
& Jim Kaupp

DR: Kris Kohlman
Stella Dalsto: website report. She is working with ARTA to align the membership data base.

Catheryne Cooney: Cards & Memorials report
Chalk Dust memory: Elaine Dufresne

Other Reports:
Treasurer: Sylvia Ciona Membership: Jim Kaupp 95 members
ATA Local # 2 & Convention: Delores Carriere Pioneer Village: Laurel Schlaht
ATA Local # 39 & Pension: Dianne Durda Health & Wellness: Judy Wonnenberg
Memorial Golf Tournaments: Annita Pinder

50/50 winner: Bob McCaig
with Henk Hof
Food line
Group pictures

Greeters: (photo)
Door Prizes: Annita Pinder
50/50: (photo)
Blessing: Annita Pinder
2012 June 6
Southside Event Centre
Rita Hof presented a slate of nominations to the Executive for 2012-2013. Hearing no further nominations, the following slate was acclaimed to the following positions:
President Ray Morrison Past President Annita Pinder
1st Vice Pres. Delle Lovig Secretary Paul Nederveen
2nd Vice Pres. Donna Mae Goldade Treasurer Henk Hof
In addition to these, the following positions on the Executive were also named:
ATA Local # 1 Rep. Delle Lovig Membership Jim Kaupp
ATA Local # 2 Rep. Delores Carriere Contact Sec. Elaine Cuts
ATA Local #39 Rep. Dianne Durda Website Stella Dalsto
Cards & Memorials Cathryne Cooney Pioneer Village Laurel Schlaht
Photographer Rita Hof Scrapbook Annita Pinder
Chalkdust Memories Sandra Craven SEATCA Delores Carriere
Financial: Sylvia Ciona Membership: Jim Kaupp 95 members
ATA Local # 1: Delle Lovig ATA Local # 39: Dianne Durda
Cards & Memorials: Cathryne Cooney Health & Wellness: Judy Wonnenberg
Pioneer Village: Laurel Schlaht Wellness & Benefits: Judy Wonnenberg
Elaine Cuts, sent thanks to the phoners for this past year: Marion Radke, Edna LaBrosse, Sharon Clay, Marg Mazerolle, and Marg Derbyshire. Volunteers for phoning would be greatly appreciated

Delle Lovig, Annita Pinder
Ray Morrison, Paul Nederveen
Betty Biffard 50/50 winner,
with Bob McCaig & Annita Pinder
Greeters: Phyllis McLaughlin & Gay Pelchat
Decorating: Annita Pinder ...5 plants as door prizes
50/50: see photo
Blessing: Annita Pinder