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Meeting Photos Sept. 2012-June 2013

   Sept. 5, 2012

Southside Event Centre

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Donna Mae Goldade & Delle Lovig

(First Vice-President)

Delores Carriere & Paul Nederveen

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Rita Hof with DR: Kris Kohlman

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Peggy Kelly (Chalk Dust memory)

Other reports

Financial:  Henk Hof   Books have been audited by Cathryne Cooney

Membership:  Jim Kaupp (prepaid free meal draw winners  -Marion Radke & Marilyn Crisp         ARTA Local # 1: Delle Lovig            ATA Local # 2: Delores Carriere

Pioneer Village:  Delle for Laurel Schlaht      Cards & Memorials:  Cathryne Cooney

Computer Course:  Judy Wonnenberg          Wellness & Benefits:  Judy Wonnenberg

SEATCA:  Delores Carriere                                   Golf Tournament:  Henk Hof

Newly retired:  

back row:  Mel Deydey, Lorraine Stotz, Alan Matisz, Anne Tomcala

Front row:  Kathy Beierbach, Angela Adby

not in the photo:  Cal Hauserman

New retirees Mel Deydey, Angela Adby, Ca
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Dedicated, faithful, and hardworking MHADRTA member Madeline Fisher was presented with a lovely bouquet and an honorary membership in MHADRTA by Donna Mae Goldade.  Madeline currently still serves on the ATA Educational Trust Foundation and reminded members that funds are available for educational projects.

                                   At the meeting in April 2012     

            an ARTA 50th anniversary quilt is to be created to mark this occasion. 

             Marg Derbyshire and Fay Felesky agreed to take on this project.

Quilt square by Fay Felesky & Marg Derby

Quilt piece:  The finished quilt is  displayed at the ARTA office

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Marg Derbyshire with Donna Mae Goldade

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5050 winner Donna Ulrich with Elaine Cut

50/50 winner: Donna Ulrich

given to her by Elaine Cuts

Thank you ARTA for sending this to me.

Greeter(s): Bob & Vicki McCaig

Decorations:  Delle Lovig

50/50: see photo

Blessing: Annita Pinder

     October 31, 2012

Southside Event Centre


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Murray Nesdoly, Rita Hof, Jim Haland.

Financial:  Henk Hof                                    Membership:  Jim Kaupp  91 members

ARTA Local # 1: Delle Lovig  "Tools for Schools"  raised $462      

ATA Local # 39: Dianne Durda           ARTA Strategic Planning:  Judy Wonnenberg

Wellness & Benefits:  Judy Wonnenberg             Golf Tournament:  Henk Hof

Pioneer Village:  Dianne Klinck:                    Cards & Memorials:  Cathryne Cooney

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 Donna Mae Goldade introduced Marilyn Crisp as the guest speaker. Marilyn spoke on The Past, Present and Future of the Local SPCA.  She noted that it had been incorporated in1979 with several teachers among the founding members to “find homes for stray animals”.  In the past year it has sheltered 779 dogs,1214 cats and 126 other animals.  The SPCA has many programs beyond acting as a lost and found.  It offers low cost spay and neuter programs and arranges foster care for animals.  It has educational programs as well as “pets for seniors”. 

 Marilyn encouraged members to consider volunteering as walkers or as tour guides and she promoted the current     calendar sale and 50/50 ticket fundraisers. 

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Carilona Burghardt & Madeline Fischer

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Grace Alcock & Delle Lovig

Food line

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Greeters:  Donna Mae Goldade, Madeline Fischer, Sharon Clay

Decorations:  Rita Hof

50/50:  Elaine Cuts & Rita Hof won by Jim Haland 

Blessing: Delle Lovig

      2012 Dec. 12

   Southside Event Centre

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President (Santa - Ray Morrison)

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GreetersAngela Ashby & Peggy Kelly

Financial:  Henk Hof                 Membership:  Jim Kaupp  111 members

ARTA Local # 1: Delle Lovig       ATA Local # 2: Delores Carriere

ARTA Local # 39:  written report from Dianne Durda

Pioneer Village:  Delle reported that "Olde Tyme Christmas" was a great success.  Diane Klinck added info. 

Legion Remembrance Day Poster, Poem, & Essay Contest:   Delores thanked Donna Mae Goldade, Elaine Cuts, & Madeline Fischer for judging the posters.....Catheryn Cooney & Ray Morrison for helping her judge the poems & essays    

Cards & Memorials:  Cathryne Cooney      Scrapbook:   Annita Pinder                     


Entertainer:  Wally Garrioch

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 Mabel Quenzer & Grace Christie

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Gary & Anne Law

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Sandra Wilson & Lorraine Stotz

Madeline Fischer, Eleanor Townsend, Shar

Madeline Fischer, Eleanor Townsend & Sharon Clay

Sandra Craven & Bob McCaig

Greeters: photo

Decorations: Clare Sargent, Donna Mae Goldade,  Madeline Fischer

50/50: Jackie LeBleu, Elaine Cuts won by Elaine Cuts

Blessing: Delle Lovig

      2013 Feb 13

Southside Event Centre

        Happy Valentine's Day

Elaine Cuts, Madeline Fischer,

Betty Hagemann & Jim Kaupp




Membership:  Jim Kaupp (113 members)           ARTA Local # 1: Delle Lovig                  ATA Local # 2 & SEATCA: Delores Carriere        Pioneer Village:  Dianne Klinck            Cards & Memorials:  Cathryne Coone               Scrapbook:  Annita Pinder

Wellness & Benefits & ARTA Strategic Planning:  Judy Wonnenberg

                       Madeline Fischer expressed a vote of thanks to Elaine Cuts of the                                           Phoning Committee for her hard work.

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Donna Mae introduced the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee.


A presentation was made by Arlette Spencer & Paul Nederveen.

They asked that MHADRTA Members come to them with any concerns and suggestions.


Greeters: Donna Crush & Kathleen Beierbach

Decorations: Delle Lovig & Sandra Craven

50/50: Grace Alcock & Elaine Cuts won by Marilyn Kraglund

Blessing: Ray Morrison

    2013 April 10

Southside Event Centre

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Greeter:  Peggy Kelly


Financial:  Henk Hof                                          Membership:  Jim Kaupp 

ARTA Local # 1: Delle Lovig                                ATA Local # 39: Dianne Durda

Phoning:  Elaine Cuts                                         Pioneer Village:  Diane Klinck           Cards & Memorials:  Cathryne Cooney                SEATCA:  Delores Carriere                                 

It was noted that the ARTA Retreat and next ARTA Board of Directors Meeting will take place on May 26-27-28 in Canmore.  Judy Wonnenberg of the Strategic Planning Committee and President Ray will attend. The ARTA Pension Committee will meet on April 12 and Dianne Durda will attend.


Ray noted that Stella Dalsto is the one responsible for the “mass Mailings” of general meeting agendas, minutes and reports.  Many thanks to her for her services, many of which were performed while she was wintering in the south!  Stella also maintains the MHADRTA website which also posts recent pictures provided by Henk and Rita Hof.  Photos have also been forwarded to Annita Pinder for the Scrapbook.

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Donna Mae Goldade, Program Committee Convener, introduced Ryan Mikucki of Collette Vacations who provided an overview of their services and lovely overview of their tours to Costa Rica and to Italy.  Ryan noted that Collette Vacations is listed in the ARTA Affinity Program.

Ryan was thanked by President Ray and Donna Mae for a most enjoyable presentation.

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Food line:  looks yummy

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Rita Hof with 50/50 winner Delle Lovig

Greeters: Annita Pinder & Cathryne Cooney

Decorations: Peggy Kelly & Angela Adby Door Prizes

50/50: Rita Hof & Elaine Cuts won by Delle Lovig

Blessing: Diane Klinck 


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