compiled by Stella Dalsto
ARTA 2014 Annual Golf
in Memory of
Clarence Goldade
in Medicine Hat
This is how it all started
Executive Meeting 2012-04-04
It was reported that MHADRTA has been approached to host the 2013 ARTA Memorial Golf Tournament in memory of Clarence Goldade.
It was felt that this would be a major undertaking and the booking could be a problem. Dianne Durda / Delle Lovig moved that MHADRTA request to host the
ARTA Memorial Golf Tournament in 2014. Motion carried.
Laurel Schlaht will contact Marg Derbyshire, Larry Henderson, Henk Hof, and Jim Haland to see if they will spear-head a committee to organize this venture.
Donna Mae became an active member of the committee.
Marg D. booked the Connaught Golf Club for June 16, 2014
with a shotgun start at 1:00 PM.
Donna Mae Goldade contacted the family with an
invitation to attend.
The committee expanded to include Stella Dalsto.
Henk applied for the grant from ARTA and set up the bank account.
Two more joined the committee.....Laurel Schlaht and Jim Kaupp.
Henk began his winter project which was to contact businesses for donations.
Other committee members helped.
Monthly meetings were held. The jobs became more defined.

