compiled by Stella Dalsto

Newspaper Article
Upcoming golf tournament to honour late Redcliff teacher
By Peggy Revell
Take a swing on the fairway on June 16 as part of a golf tournament to establish scholarships in memory of the Redcliff teacher,
Clarence Michael Goldade.
The Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association has selected Connaught Golf Club as the location for its annual golf tournament, this year honouring Goldade who passed away on Oct. 25, 2011.
“He dedicated his life to the community, particularly the education system,” said Donna Mae Goldade, Clarence’s wife and a retired teacher.
“Funds raised from the tournament will establish a scholarship for a second-year teaching student”, said Donna Mae.”There’s also the possibility of setting up other scholarships,” she said, “for the schools he taught at, for elementary students and maybe even summer camps, although what can be established depends on how much is raised”
“People have been incredibly generous with sponsorships, donations, and prizes that are already rolling in for the tournament.”
Clarence Goldade’s teaching career began in 1966, in Liebenthal, Sask. before eventually coming to Redcliff in 1976 where he taught at all three schools in town until retiring in 2002.
Goldade taught all subjects, was a student council advisor, directed 11 musicals, coached volleyball, refereed for hockey and umpired for baseball.
He was an ATA negotiator for 26 years, and once served as ATA Local No. 1 president.
Community service over the years included being a board member of the Medicine Hat Museum and National Exhibition, Moose Lodge member, and former governor, Lions member and former president, served as president for the Medicine Hat and District Retired Teachers’ Association, and volunteered with his church.
Registration cost is $100.00 and includes a roast beef dinner. Dinner only is $30.00.
The tournament starts at 1 P.M. on June 16 with a Texas Scramble and shotgun start. Registration forms are available from ARTA branch executives, or with the registration deadline of June 9.
For more information, contact Henk Hof at

Volunteer Duties
Committee: Henk Hof, Marg Derbyshire, Donna Mae Goldade, Jim Haland, Larry Henderson, Stella Dalsto, Jim Kaupp, and Laurel Schlaht
Treasurer: Henk Hof
Acquiring donations: The entire committee, but mainly Henk Hof
Connaught Club Liason: Marg Derbyshire
Hole Prize Signage Prep: Vivian Haland
Booklet: Stella Dalsto
Welcome Bag prep (Fri June 13): Judy Wonnenberg, Annita Pinder, Marg Derbyshire,
Donna Mae Goldade, Stella Dalsto
Prize Display: Henk Hof, Stella Dalsto, Anita Pinder, Jim Kaupp
Registration desk: Donna Mae Goldade, Judy Dickie, Delores Carriere, Darlene Dee,
Marilyn Crisp
50/50 Draw (10/$5): Rita Hof, Betty Hagemann
Signage placement: Marg Derbyshire, Larry Henderson, Jim Haland
Marshalls: Larry Henderson, Bruce Brandt
Putting Green Contest: Laurel Schlaht, Jim Kaupp
Hole in one sitters:
Hole 3 Judy Wonnenberg,
Hole 8 Liz Haubrich
Hole 12 TW Ins – will provide
Hole 17 Jackie LeBleu & Donna Crush
Computer data entry: Marg Derbyshire, Jean Nitchke
Master of Ceremonies: Jim Haland
Grace: Delle Lovig