compiled by Stella Dalsto
After Golfing: Supper and the ceremony
Emcee: Jim Haland

Dean McMullen & Donna Mae Goldade
Donna Mae's Thank you speech
Good Evening Everyone,
There really aren't enough words to describe how much I appreciate this ARTA Tournament in memory of my husband of 32 years, Clarence Michael Goldade. He was such a community minded dynamo and I know he is greatly missed.
So many people have participated in making this event to honour Clarence possible.
Well deserved thanks go to:
-ARTA President: Gordon Cumming
-To the ARTA Branches and Members
- To the Medicine Hat Golf Tournament Committee:
Henk Hof & Marg Derbyshire (Energizer Bunnies), Jim Haland, (Mr. MC) & Viv, Laurel Schlaht, Jim Kaupp, Larry Henderson, & Stella Dalsto
Thank you to the many volunteers who give so freely of their time and the many generous organizations and people who donated all the prizes and contributed to the Scholarship Fund. The committee will be getting together to decide how best to distribute and use the fund.
Last, but certainly not least, thanks to the Goldade Family which I feel privileged to be part of. Although I must say, when I first met the Goldade Clan it was a little overwhelming. Clarence was one of nine children and in my family there was only my sister, Joanne, and myself. But, what a super group to be part of.
I would like to introduce the Goldades here: (see photos below)
Also here are: my son, Dan Lemna, Aunt Jean Koehler (Clarence's God Mother), Aunt Shirley Martin.
Although my daughter Pam and her Husband Ken Hirsch are not present (they are in Nova Scotia at the moment) they made a very generous donation to the scholarship fund.
As well as so many friends and neighbors.
Donna Mae also made the following comments:
re: the children's writing from Margaret Wooding School in Redcliff: they were so good and it was such a good idea
re: Daniel Mulloy said that he thought we always did such a good job of everything at our branch
Thanks to everyone, please enjoy the rest of the evening and best wishes for a safe journey home.

Dan Lemna, Allen Vandenberg, Sharon Charnetski, & Michael Goldade

Jean & Shirley
Nadine Goldade, Bill Goldade, Susan Goldade,
Maryann Goldade, & Paul Goldade
Golfing, Putting, & Draw Prizes were given out
Door Prizes
List of Draw Prizes organized by Henk Hof. Names drawn by Stella Dalsto
1. Icy Mtn Water $25 gift certificate
2, Icy Mtn Water $25 gift certificate
3, Icy Mtn Water $25 gift certificate
4, Icy Mtn Water $25 gift certificate
5,. M&M Gift Bag
6. M&M Gift Bag
7. M&M Gift Bag
8. M&M Gift Bag
9. Stella Dalsto $50 money tree
10. ASEBP basket
11. RONA drill
12. Fred Long, Beth Davies Taylor Made Driver
13. Best Western (Calg) 1 nights accom.
14 .Best Western (Calg) 1 nights accom.
15. Med Hat Lodge 1 nights accom.
16. Town of Redcliff & Ralph's Glass, Mug and golf stuff
17. Town of Redcliff & Ralph's Glass, Mug and golf stuff
18. Town of Redcliff & Ralph's Glass, Mug and golf stuff
19. Town of Redcliff & Ralph's Glass, Mug and golf stuff
20 .Costco $50 gift cert
21. Costco $50 gift cert
22 .Costco $50 gift cert
23. Costco $50 gift cert
24. Glyn Yuhas Framed Picture
25. Akita Drilling Jacket
26. Akita Drilling Jacket
27. Akita Drilling Golf stuff
28. Goodyear golf shirts, glasses, etc
29. Goodyear golf shirts, glasses, etc
30. Goodyear golf shirts, glasses, etc
31. Goodyear golf shirts, glasses, etc
33. Cancarb Duffel Bag
34. Carnival Cruises & BMO Tote bag & golf goodies
35. Carnival Cruises & BMO Tote bag & golf goodies
36. Carnival Cruises & BMO Tote bag & golf goodies
37. Carnival Cruises & BMO Tote bag & golf goodies
38. Razor's Edge Goodies bag
39. Bottle Bling bottle of wine +stopper
40. Connaught Golf Course 50 gift certificate
41. Connaught Golf Course 50 gift certificate
42. Connaught Golf Course 50 gift certificate
43. Connaught Golf Course 50 gift certificate
44. Connaught Golf Course 50 gift certificate
45. Connaught Golf Course 50 gift certificate
46. Connaught Golf Course 50 gift certificate
47. Connaught Golf Course 50 gift certificate
48. Connaught Golf Course 50 gift certificate
49. Connaught Golf Course 50 gift certificate
50. Connaught Golf Course 50 gift certificate
51. Connaught Golf Course 50 gift certificate
52. Connaught Golf Course 50 gift certificate
53. Fred and Anna-Marie Clark Fifth Avenue Jewelry
54. Fred and Anna-Marie Clark Fifth Avenue Jewelry
55. Goldades tool
56. Goldades tool
57. Goldades tool
58. Goldades tool
59. WSP Canada Cooler
60. WSP Canada Cooler
61. WSP Canada Cooler
62. WSP Canada Cooler
4 x WSP Canada Inc 4x12 volt coolers
50/50 second prize $100 Safeway Gift Card
Putting Contest Prizes golfers get 1 ticket plus 1 more for every successful putt
Clarence M. Goldade Memorial Golf Tournament Scholarships
The Golf Committee has established a series of scholarships funded by the
profits made in the above tournament.
A provincial ARTA scholarship of $1000 to be awarded to a student entering the second year of studies in the Faculty of Education. This will be a onetime award in memory of Clarence M. Goldade to be awarded for the next ARTA Scholarship round. It is assumed that this will be in addition to the regular scholarships awarded annually by ARTA and will be administered by ARTA.
A series of nine local scholarships of $500 each to be awarded annually to a graduate of Eagle Butte High School entering the Faculty of Education. The successful candidate should have attended Redcliff schools prior to attending Eagle Butte. Prairie Rose School Division, or a designate, would be responsible for administering this scholarship. Both marks and financial need should be used as a basis for determining the winners of these awards.
We would ask that MHADRTA be informed of the scholarship winners' names
when they are determined.