compiled by Stella Dalsto
News & Views Article
ARTA Golf Tournament 2014
“Oh Happy Day” is what people have been saying about June 16, 2014. It was the day of ARTA’s Golf Tournament in memory of Clarence Michael Goldade at the Connaught Golf Club in Medicine Hat, Alberta. There was rain the day before and rain the day after but this day was lovely for golfing and socializing.
Prior to the shotgun start at 1:00 PM everyone was treated to tasty burgers and drinks supplied by Davis Motors. These guys knew burgers as well as vehicles. Sponsors were many and generous so almost everyone got a prize of some sort. Even those that attended only the banquet were included in the draws.
The Principal of Margaret Wooding School in Redcliff held a writing competition and cards headed with “Teachers are important to me because...... “ were completed by students. The winning student got to be the “Principal for a Day.” Two of these cards were included in each goodie bag and the others were centerpieces on the tables. They were so inspiring and fun to read.
Most of Clarence’s siblings and their spouses live in Red Deer. They were delighted to participate in honouring their ‘bro’. Michael, the youngest brother and best man at our wedding, was not only a sponsor but gave a “from the heart” speech about his relationship with Clarence and he credits Clarence for much of his success.
Also attending was the oldest brother Paul Goldade ( a teacher) and his wife Maryann (also taught), Bill Goldade (teacher) and wife Susan (was a school secretary), Sharon Charnetski (oldest sister) , Berna Dawson (youngest sister) and Nadine Goldade (cousin and winner of the 50/50 draw). Clarence.’s Aunt and Godmother Jean Koehler and Aunt Shirley Martin were there and especially enjoyed the Roast Beef Dinner as well as honouring their nephew. Clarence’s Dad, Mike Goldade was on a School Board for quite a number of years prior to his retirement and passing. Since my sister and I are also teachers, you can see there were a lot of debates regarding education at family gatherings. Clarence was such a vital part of the family as well as the community.
To list all of Clarence’s accomplishments, the organizations he belonged to and the executive positions he held would require a page of its own. One of Clarence’s many talents was organizing events. Perhaps he had some influence in making it such a lovely day . He is missed, as I hear so often, not only for his skills but his soft-spoken manner and many kindnesses. I miss those things too but mostly I miss the vibrancy he brought to our household as does son, Dan and daughter, Pam and son-in-law Ken Hirsch.
It was such a delight to see so many ARTA members support this event and nicer yet to connect with familiar colleagues and friends.
Donations were generous and scholarships have been established at both the Provincial level and local level in the name of Clarence M. Goldade as decided upon by our fabulous MHADRTA Golf Tournament Committee.
Thank you to all those who participated and a special Thank You to this Committee. Clarence would be (is) so pleased!
Donna Mae Goldade
For the ARTA Golf Tournament
In Memory of Clarence M. Goldade Committee