compiled by Stella Dalsto
plus info from the minutes from Paul Nederveen and Ray Morrison
As I work on transferring the Google web site to WIX
I noticed that I have meeting pictures on my computer.
Some of these were taken by me and some were sent to me.
(I spent the winters in Southern California and missed many of the meetings)
I decided that pictures were not complete unless I added names.
To do this I have asked many to help me. Thank you!
If you can correct or identify any, please email me (see bottom of the page)
Many of these pictures and more are in the MHADRTA scrapbook kept by Diane Klinck for many years and then taken over by Annita Pinder.
Sept. 3, 2008
Royal Canadian Legion: Ortona Room
Meeting called to order by
Vice President: Clarence Goldade
Elaine Nelson:
Trivia Game Questionaire
Others on the Executive:
Treasurer: Diane Durda Membership: Annita Pinder
ATA Local #1: Delle Lovig # 39: Diane Durda
Pioneer Village: Loraine Fieber ARTA rep: Donna Mae Goldade
Phoning Committee: Pearle Fischer Pension Committee: Diane Durda
Health & Wellness: Judy Wonnenberg
Educational Trust Foundation: Madeline Fischer
MHADRTA Website: Stella Dalsto
Delle Lovig reported that copies of the newsletter: Local Happenings were available at the tables.
Chalk Dust Memories: Sandra Craven reminded members that she was looking for contributions.
Today Sharon Clay is speaking for Eleanor Townsend about The Lighter Side of Teaching. Then
Delle Lovig talked about the pitfalls of teaching non English speaking refugee children
(Both are on this website).
Henk Hof introduced the guest speaker: Dr. Ken Sauer, former Medicine Hat School District Superintendent and former alderman, who spoke on highlights of his teaching career and on the important role of volunteering. He noted that 60% of the volunteers for the recent Alberta Summer Games had been teachers or former teachers. Dr. Sauer thanked all the MHADRTA members for their many contributions.
Dr. Sauer was thanked, for his presentation, by Dr. Larry Henderson.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
Elaine Nelson, Carence Goldade, Paul Nederveen, Annita Pinder & Judy Wonnenberg
Greeters: Delle Lovig & Elaine Nelson
50/50: Henk Hof won by Rick Carriere
Blessing: Reverend Sid Nelson
2009 June 17th
Moose Family Center
Guest was Paul Demurs
Paul Demurs, Sylvia Ciona, Elaine Nelson, Clarence Goldade, Delores Carriere,
Annita Pinder, Donna Mae Goldade, Elaine Cuts, Paul Nederveen,
Rita Hof, Delle Lovig, Judy Wonnenberg
Reports by: Treasurer - Dianne Durda ATA Rep: Jim Black ATA Local # 1: Delle Lovig ATA Local # 2: Delores Carriere ATA Local # 39: Dianne Durda Membership: Annita Pinder Phoning: Pearle Fisher Pension: Dianne Durda
Governance: Donna Mae Goldade Benefits : Judy Wonnenberg
Cards & Memorials: Cathryne Cooney Pioneer School House: Lorraine Fieber
2009 new exec
Rita, Paul D. Paul N. Clarence,
Sylvia, Elaine, Annita
Presentations: Donna Mae Goldade made two presentations of thanks on behalf of MHADRTA, one to Judy Wonnenberg and one to Delores Carriere, for their dedicated work for MHADRTA and ARTA. Each received an engraved key chain with our thanks.
Rita Hof presented the book “Medicine Hat: 365 Days of Pictures” to Paul Demurs for being the guest speaker.
Minutes by acting secretary: Delores Carriere
Greeters: Members of the Executive
50/50: Henk Hof won by Gary Law
Blessing: Rev. Syd Nelson
2009 Sept. 2
Moose Family Center
Check-in: Slyvia Ciona, Ray Morrison, Annita Pinder
Greeter: Delle Lovig.
Marg Derbyshire with coffee

President Clarence Goldade ringing the bell
Newly retired members: Barry Anderson talking to Fay Elsdon
Financial: Dianne Durda audit has been done by Cathryne Cooney,
Health & Wellness: Judy Wonnenberg Governance: Donna Mae Goldade
Website: Stella Dalsto Mentorship: Sheila Donner, Phoning: Elaine Cuts
Pioneer Village Schoolhouse: Lorraine Feiber (successor -Laurel Schlaht)
Cards & Memorials: Catheryne Cooney Golf Tournament: Marg Derbyshire
Betty Gower spoke of the teaching opportunity to volunteer for a 3 month period in Burundi.
Terry Riley spoke about the current issues facing education in Alberta.
Group pictures

Greeters: Delle Lovig, Laurel Schlaht
Decorations & Door Prizes: Rita Hof
50/50: Henk Hof won by Donna Ulrich
Blessing: Elaine Nelson
2009 October 28
Moose Family Center
Murray Nesdoly, Rita Hof, Jim Haland

Donna Mae's report
(Arta scholorship recipients)
Clarence Goldade with Jim Black (ATA)

Marg Derbyshire: reported on the Golf Tournament at Paradise Valley
Other reports: Membership: Annita Pinder (82 MHADRTA & 112 ARTA members),
ATA Local # 1: Delle Lovig, ATA Local # 2: Elaine Nelson (report from Delores Carriere), ARTA Local # 39: Dianne Durda, Health & Wellness: Annita Pinder, Governance: Donna Mae Goldade, Cards & Memorials: Cathryne Cooney, Social: Delle Lovig,
Guest Speaker: Jan Bunney from the Pallisher Friends of Medicare
Veronica & Gretton Swan (in front of her)

Elaine Nelson, Phyllis McLaughlin, Grace Alcock, Del Lovig, Margaret Mazerolle, Marilyn Kragland, Elaine Cuts
Henk Hof & Larry Henderson
won by Grace Alcock
Greeters: The Executive
Decorations & Door Prizes: Delle Lovig
50/50: see photo above
Blessing: Paul Nederveen
2009 December 9
Moose Family Center

Sandra Craven checking in with Ray Morrison
& Slyvia Ciona.
Reports: Membership: Annita Pinder-97 members, ATA: Jim Black, ATA Local # 1: Delle Lovig, Health & Wellness: Judy Wonnenberg, Governance: Donna Mae Goldade, Cards & Memorials: Cathryne Cooney, Social: Delle Lovig, SEATCA: Delores Carriere,
David Gue Chalkdust memory

Carol Singing

led by Elaine Nelson

assisted by Paul Nederveen,
Grace Alcock & Delle Lovig

______, _______, Sharon Clay, Eleanor Townsend.
Bob & Vicki McCaig, ______, _______

Elizabeth & Garrett Haubrich,
Henk Hof, & David Gue

_________, Grace Christie, Margaret Mazerolle

50/50 Henk Hof Marion Radke winner Delores Carriere with Annita Pinder
Greeters: Delle Lovig, Laurel Schlaht, Marion Radke
Decorations & Door Prizes: Donna Mae Goldade, Delle Lovig, Rita Hof & Clarence Goldade
50/50: Henk Hof & Jim Black won by Delores Carriere
Blessing: Larry Henderson
2010 June 16
Moose Family Center

Check in: Sandra Craven & Sylvia Ciona

President: Clarence Goldade

50/50 Jim Kaupp, Clarence & Annita Pinder Eugene Sailor 50/50 winner:
Marilyn Kragland

Delle Lovig report (ATA Local # 1)

Judy Wonnenberg (Health & Wellness)

Cathryne Cooney (Cards and Memorials)

Delores Carriere report (ARTA Local # 2)

Laurel Schlaht (Pioneer Village)

Chalkdust Memory by Evelyn Kleis
other Reports: Membership: Ray Morrison - 97 members
ATA Local # 39: Dianne Durda, Governance: Donna Mae Goldade,
Website: Stella Dalsto, Scrapbook: Diane Klinck,

Rita Hof receiving
an outgoing
(barbecue utensils)

2010-2011 Executive:
Sylvia Ciona, Annita Pinder, Paul Nederveen, Clarence Goldade & Ray Morrison
Greeters: Annita Pinder, Laurel Schlaht, & Clarence Goldade
50/50: Eugene Sailor won by Marilyn Kraglund
Blessing: Paul Nederveen