compiled by Stella Dalsto
golfing and lunch at Paradise Valley
MHADRTA members and guests were invited to come to the Paradise Valley Golf Course to play 9 holes and have lunch.
Non-golfers were invited to come for lunch.
Below is the information about the tournament. We played this format for a few years.


Dennis & Marion Radke,
Delle Lovig, Sylvia Ciona,
Larry Henderson
Victor Epp, Laurel Schlaht,
Stella Dalsto, Marg Derbyshire,
Henk Hof

Victor Epp, Sylvia Ciona,
Marion & Dennis Radke
Golf Tournament Sept 8, 2010
This FUN tournament was organized by Henk Hof & Larry Henderson
Nineteen came to golf the newly opened Paradise Valley Par 3 Golf Course at 10:00 on an overcast morning.
We played the front 9.
These were the teams:
Grace Christie Larry Henderson Fred Long Peggy Kelly Henk Hof
Grace Alcock Gary Pelchat Vicki McCaig Laurel Schalht Rita Hof
Fay Elsdon Irma Riley Bob McCaig Delle Lovig Marion Radke
Beth Davies Melvin Bender Stella Dalsto Eileen Ferguson
The format: One team member will play the colored ball on each hole....that score will be the team score.
Following golf we were treated to a delicious meal of soup, sandwiches, 2 salads, and dessert for just $12.00
Three more members joined us for lunch.
The winning team was: Larry Henderson, Gay Pelchat, Melvin Bender, & Irma Riley.
They will be the lucky organizers of the tournament next year.
Other winners were:
# 1 Closest to the pin.......Bob McCaig
# 2 Longest Putt...............Fred Long
# 3 Closest to the pin (draw)......Marion Radke
# 4 Longest Drive............Hank Hof
# 5 Closest to the pin when everyone is on the green. (draw)....Grace Christie
# 6 Furthest from the pin when everyone is on the green (draw)......Irma Riley
# 7 Longest Putt (draw)...............Vicki McCaig
# 8 Closest to the pin 2nd shot (draw).......Grace Alcock
# 9 Shortest Putt (draw)......Beth Davies
Water Balls (draw)..............Vicki McCaig

Dennis & Marion Radke, Melvin Bender, Garret Haubrich
Annita Pinder

Delle Lovig & Fay Felesky

Beth Davies & Fred Long

Jim Kaupp & Henk Hof
Laurel Schlaht & Dennis Radke

Rita Hof & Sharon Clay
Marion Radke & Melvin Bender
Fay Felesky, Laurel Schlaht
winning group:
Stella Dalsto, Beth Davies, & Fred Long
Peggy Kelly

Henk Hof & Gordon Pollock

Rita Hof & Betty Hagemann
Barb Taylor, Fay Felesky, Bill Watson, Jim Kaupp

Annita Pinder & Rita Hof
Angela Adby, & Ed Benning
Henk Hof
Thanks to the main organizers
Larry Henderson, Marg Derbyshire, & Henk Hof