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Meeting Photos 2014 June to 2015

  2014 Sept. 3 

Southside Event Centre

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Greeter Cathryn Cooney with

Margaret Mazerolle

50/50: Rita Hof, 

Check-in: Angela Adby, Jim Kaupp & Henk Hof

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   Bell ringing led by President:  

         Delle Lovig


Each table had a bell

           to ring


          Paul Nederveen 

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New retirees:  Linda Gagley, Margaret Schacher & Pat Bouman (??? the order)


Financial:  Henk Hof                     Membership:  Jim Kaupp

ARTA Local # 1:  Darlene Dee        ARTA Local # 2:  Delores Carriere

ARTA Local # 39:  Dianne Durda    Phoning:  Fay Felesky

SEATCA:  Delores Carriere             Pioneer Village: Dianne Klinck             

Cards & Memorials:  Catheryne Cooney  Program Director:  Donna Mae Goldade

Terry Riley announced the

open house for the new

Roy Wilson Learning Centre

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Elaine Nelson receiving

the 50/50 money from

Rita Hof

Food line


Cooks: helper & Kevin

Greeters: Catheryne Cooney & Delores Carriere

Decorations & Door Prizes:  Annita Pinder  

50/50: Rita Hof & Betty Hagemann   Winner: photo

Blessing: Annita Pinder

    2014 October

Southside Event Centre

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Helen & VictorEpp greeted by Sharon Clay & Eleanor Townsend

Back row:  Angela Adby, Delle Lovig, Donna Mae Goldade

Front row: Jim Kaupp, Peggy Kelly, Henk Hof


Financial:  Henk Hof                 Membership:   100 members

ARTA District Rep (DR):  Chris Kohlman

ARTA Local # 1:  Darlene Dee    ARTA Local # 2 & SEATCA:  Delores Carriere  Phoning:  Fay Felesky                Pioneer Village:  Dianne Klinck

Cards & Memorials:  Catheryne Cooney  Pensions:  Dianne Durda

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Presentation by

Dave Allen (Medicine Hat Police Services) 

Topic:   Identify Theft & Cyber Crime

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Jim Haland with 50/50 winner:  Jim Kaupp

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Rita Hof, Betty Hageman, Peggy Kelly & Dianne Durda

Greeter: photo

Decorations:  Dianne Durda

50/50: Bruce Brandt & photo

Blessing: Ray Morrison

   2014 Dec. 10

Southside Events Centre


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Vicki & Tom McCraig, Marina Palumbo & Paul Nederveen

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Donna Mae presented Annita Pinder with the             ARTA Volunteer Award and plaque

in recognition of her outstanding volunteer services for ARTA & MHADRTA


Financial:  Henk Hof                 

Membership:  report by Angela Adby.. 108 members

ARTA Local # 1:  Darlene Dee    ARTA Local # 2:  Delores Carriere

SEATCA:  Delores Carriere         Phoning:  Fay Felesky             

Pioneer Village:  Vicki McCaig             


Group picture       Thanks Claire Sergeant for the poinsettias

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Entertainment by The Blind Mice (Scott Robinson, Merrill Robers, David Gue & Ed Dick)  with Delle Lovig

50/50 winner: 

Madeline Fischer & Rita Hof

Greeters: Phyllis McLaughlin, Annita Pinder

Decorations:  see photos

50/50: Betty Hageman & (photo)

Blessing: Elaine Nelson

2015 June 10

Southside Event Centre



Financial:  Henk Hof                            Membership:  Jim Kaupp.. 111 members

ARTA Local # 1:  Darlene Dee               ARTA Local # 2 & SEATCA:  Delores Carriere

ARTA Local # 39:  Dianne Durda           Phoning:  Fay Felesky                         

 Pioneer Village:  Diane Klinck              Cards & Memorials:  Catheryne  Cooney    Membership & Marketing:  Delle Lovig   Program:  Donna Mae Goldade

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Back row:  Ed Dick (1st Vice), Jim Kaupp, (Membership) Henk Hof (Treasurer)

Front:  Jim Black (President), Ray Morrison, (Secretary)  Therese Bullin (2nd Vice),  Delle Lovig (Past President)

Greeters: Catheryne Cooney & Delores Carriere

Decorations & Door Prizes:  Delle Lovig Plants on the tables were won by Bill Knor, Grace Alcock, Claire Sergeant, Dianne Klinck, Vicki McCaig, Therese Bullin, Catheryne Cooney, Annita Pinder, Donna Mae Goldade, & Donna Smith

50/50: Mel Deydey & Jackie Le Bleu won by Marion Radke

Blessing: Annita Pinder


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