compiled by Stella Dalsto
Judy Wonnenburg
At the ARTA 50th Anniversary celebration in 2013
Judy Wonnenburg was recognized for her outstanding ARTA contributions.
Grace Christie
Grace Christie-Senior of Distinction
by GILLIAN SLADE (Medicine Hat News Twitter: MHNGillianSlade
The 2 pictures were taken by Emma Bennett/Medicine Hat News
A love of history has developed into a passion for research and this volunteer never gets tired of unearthing new details that enhance the great resources available in the archives at the Esplanade Arts & Heritage Centre.
Grace Christie’s contribution to the research for the First World War Exhibit took more than 500 volunteer hours.
She carefully examined five years of the Medicine Hat News archives to find relevant details of more than 1,800 soldiers from this region who enlisted to serve in the First World War.
Vivid descriptions of the First World War battlefields of Europe were unearthed in letters soldiers sent loved ones in Medicine Hat granting us the privilege of entering their world 100 years after they were penned.
“I grew up in Nova Scotia and my Dad was a history buff,” said Christie.
She remembers with delight the three years she lived in England immersing herself in history every which way she looked. There were visits to more museums and cathedrals than she can even remember.
Christie began volunteering at the Esplanade Arts and Heritage Centre after offering to provide rides for a friend as long as something could be found for her to do at the Esplanade as well.
“Nine years later I am still here,” said Christie.
One project just seems to lead to another.
Recently she researched the history of live theatre after finding a program for a play performed in 1885.
The thrill and excitement of a find like that has lead to more research about the history of hockey and also baseball in Medicine Hat.
“From reading old newspapers you can see how interested people were in these sports,” said Christie admitting her enthusiasm mirrors that of journalists.
In fact while in university she was the assistant news editor for the university newspaper.
It did not occur to her at that stage, 50 years ago, to study journalism rather than pursuing a career as a teacher.
“Journalism was a man’s world then,” she said.
Christie was a school teacher for 20 years.
She is currently an active member of the local Historical Society and says there will be no end to the volunteer work she loves at the Esplanade.
Congratulations deserve this!
